The cost of forest fire suppression is the magnitude of value, it contents the labour value and lumber value, and composites from direct costand indirect cost. 扑救成本就是扑救消耗的价值量,含活劳动量和物化劳动量,它由直接成本和间接成本构成。
The third major indirect cost of soil erosion is the loss of navigability. 土壤侵蚀第三个重要的间接代价是丧失航行能力。
The approved indirect cost rates applicable to all proposed projects are shown in Indirect Cost Rates chart. 适用于所有研究方案的间接成本率,都显示在了间接成本率图表上。
Develop project contingency and indirect cost factors 预测项目的意外开支和间接成本因素
Research on the Indirect Cost Funding Policy of Government-sponsored University Research Projects in America 美国大学政府科研项目间接成本资助政策研究
Under the support and instruction of MBB, work out the six sigma annual OE plan including 6 sigma project, lean workshop project, direct cost saving and indirect cost saving. 在黑带大师的支持下,制定年度六西格码和精益生产成本节约计划。
For the assets manufactured or constructed by the business itself, the actual cost means the direct cost and allocated indirect cost incurred from the time of manufacturing or construction to the time of making such assets fit for use in business operation or sale. 其自行制造或建造者,指自行制造或建造,以至适于营业上使用或出售所发生之直接成本及应分摊之间接费用。
Commitments against the appropriation of future years Develop project contingency and indirect cost factors 将来年度经费项目承担(之开支)预测项目的意外开支和间接成本因素
With the direct and indirect cost of the Iraq war estimated at$ 3tn and the US government borrowing 40 cents of every dollar that it spends, it is hardly surprising that Mr Obama is wary of taking on new commitments in the Middle East. 鉴于伊拉克战争的直接和间接成本估计高达3万亿美元,而美国政府每一美元开销就有40美分是借来的,奥巴马对于在中东背上新的负担戒心重重是很自然的。
The aim of processing costing method ( ABC costing) is to attribute the indirect cost of manufacturing based on cost motivation, and through analysis to eliminate and cut down unnecessary processing so as to reduce products 'cost. 作业成本法(ABC成本法)的重点是对生产成本中的间接费用依据成本动因进行分配,并可以通过对作业价值链的分析消除和压缩不必要的非增值作业,最终降低产品成本。
As an illustration, the paper forecasts the indirect cost due to the seismic disaster in Shanghai city. 并用上海市的实际数据对地震的间接经济损失作了预测计量。
This paper introduces that in the bidding and proposal stage, the constitution of engineering design cost, procurement service cost, construction management cost of project turnkey contract and its estimation method, new view points are raised for the relation between direct cost and indirect cost. 提出在投标报价阶段,工程总承包项目中工程设计费用、采购服务费用和施工管理费用的构成及其估算方法,并对直接费用和间接费用之间的关系提出了新的观点。
This paper focuses on corporate financial distress, corporate financial distress indirect cost and its relationship with corporate performance. 本文研究了上市公司财务困境、财务困境间接成本及其与公司业绩之间的关系。
Analyzed costs were divided into direct cost and indirect cost. 治疗成本分为直接成本和间接成本。
Exercising control of project indirect cost; 控制工程的间接成本;
The activity based costing method is improved in three aspects to meet the special requirements of shipbuilding cost feedback, including unifying the processing mode of the direct and indirect cost, put together and assigning costs in the generalized work center, and combining the cost motive. 为适应船舶制造成本反馈的特殊需求,对作业成本法进行了三点改进:统一了直接成本和间接成本处理方式、以广义工作中心进行成本归集和分配、合并了成本动因。
The article quantitatively measured the individual direct cost and indirect cost of graduate students in Fu-dan University. 本文运用教育经济学的有关理论和方法,定量测算了2003年复旦大学研究生个人直接成本和间接成本。
Comprehensive cost of commercial including direct and indirect cost of commercial. 综合商务成本分为直接商务成本和间接商务成本。
Method: Disease burden is composed on direct medical cost non-medical cost and indirect cost. 方法:根据血透和腹透患者的年直接医疗费用、直接非医疗费用和间接费用计算经济负担。
The paper amends this model, and studies the impact on financing behavior of suppliers 'external economy of scale and indirect cost of financial distress. 因此,本文对模型进行了修正,考察了供应商外部规模经济和财务危机的间接成本对融资行为的影响。
In this paper, the economic burden of malaria are divided into direct cost, indirect cost and intangible cost. 将疟疾病例的经济负担分为直接费用、间接费用和无形费用。
The methods of traditional cost management of an enterprise is limited in the control of production cost in production field, whose weakness lies its indirect cost collection and allotting methods. 企业传统成本管理方法局限于对生产领域生产成本的控制,具有间接成本归集和分配方法的弱点。
Cost includes direct cost and indirect cost. Risk represents capital loss risk, credit rating risk as well as examining risk. 成本包括直接成本和间接成本:风险包括资本损失风险、信用等级风险和审批风险;
Indirect cost is the major burden for individuals and families. 可见间接费用导致患者个人、家庭及社会的经济负担更加沉重。
This limitation is the indirect cost accounting is not detailed enough, at the same time for the design of scientific research project total cost accounting system and lack of practice, its use value remains to be in practice modification and perfection continuously. 本文的局限性在于对间接成本的核算范围不够详细,同时对于本文设计的科研项目全成本核算体系缺乏实践检验,其使用价值还有待于在实践中不断修改和完善。
It adopts the theoretical method including: Neoclassical Growth Theory, Dynamic Metering Model, Measurement of indirect cost of environmental pollution and ecological damage, benefit and loss analysis of environmental economy. 主要采用的理论方法有:新古典经济增长理论、动态计量模型、环境污染和生态破坏经济损失的计量、环境经济损益分析等。
Although the real options method can overcome the disadvantages of traditional assessment methods in dealing with the uncertainties, it overlooks the indirect cost and benefit in the IT project. 虽然实物期权方法可以克服传统评估方法在处理不确定性方面的不足,但却忽略了IT项目带来的间接成本和收益。
Traditional cost accounting methods are emphasized in the measurement and control about the direct cost such as materials and labor cost, rather than the allocation about the indirect cost. 传统的成本核算方法均强调对企业产品成本中直接材料和直接人工的计量和控制,而较少关注企业产品成本中间接费用的分配。
At the same time, the introduction of indirect cost compensation mechanism. 同时引入间接成本的补偿机制。
ABCM effectively avoids the cost distortion caused by unreasonable allocation of indirect cost in traditional costing system. 作业成本管理思想有效地避免了传统成本制度下由于间接费用分配不合理而导致的成本信息失真的问题。